I have begun to have these dreams. It is as if I am stuck between worlds. I am not here in the land of the living, but nor do I belong in the land of the dead. I am somewhere in-between. The other night, I had this very vivid dream. I was in the wold made of two creatures. The set of creatures were like trees. They came out and existed in the sunlight. They played and had fun. Went from one place to another. But as soon as it began to get dark, they went and hid inside for they were not night children.
The night children only came out in the dark. They had these little light sources. They were irridescent and would light up with these powerful, white lights. It was kind of like the glow of a firefly. A person could be only one or the other. The day children didn't come out at night, they were only visible at day. The night children only came out at night. They were not visible at daytime. If you were a day child and caught out at night, you were sent back because you didn't belong there. I was out at night, when I was supposed to be a day child and roaming around at night. I kept trying to pretend I was a night child, tried to go along in-between the other night children and hide so I wouldn't be detected and sent back. Every time I tried to pretend to be a night child, I would be detected. They would detect me right away and put their beam on me to send me back. But each time I was sent back, I was never really sent back. True day children wouldn't be viusible at all, and if they were, they would be detected immediately and sent back automatically. They had no control among the other night children. I would again be detected, and again hide. Even though I was detected, I was never fully sent back. I'd begin to head back to the area of the day children but instead of being sent back, I'd begin to hide again among the other night children. I would again be detected, and again hide. It was a process and each time I became more and more like a night chcild. I had an irridescent light, but it didn't shine as brightly as a true night chld. It was as if it were muted or dimmer. Because of this irridesence I wasn't a day chld. It was the iniridesecne that allowed me to hide amont the night chldren. Had I been a true day child, I wouldn't have any irridenscence and wouldn't be visible at all at night. So I was neither a day child, nor a night child. I was in between. I desparately wanted to be a night chld and go undetected, but I wasn't. But I wasn't just a day child because I was able to hide to some extent.
I feel to some extent this explains being in between worlds. I am no longer in the land of the living. My life as a person has stopped. I see all those around me going on with life, but I have stopped. Yet, I have not yet moved on to be a full spirit of heaven. I am neither here, nor there, but somewhere in-between. I often wake exhausted as if during the night, I have worked so very hard preparing for this jouney. I do not know what I do at night, but I do know it is hard work preparing myself for my final journey.