Thursday, October 20, 2011

Heaven is for Real

I am not afraid of dying. I know that I am going to heaven and that that is great. I know that in heaven there is a peace like nothing here on Earth. Earth is Earth. It is but a rudimental piece of heaven and God’s kingdom. I will be met with such glory that I have earned. I know that this is my reason, and my task here on Earth is all but finished. We are all souls – some old, some young, some middle-aged. I have often been told I am a very old soul, and I know this to be true. I will not be returning after this trip. My time here is done. My work here finished. And glory awaits me. Some are only beginning. I know that there are others, those that I love dearly, awaiting my return in heaven.

4 years ago, I had a near death experience. I was living in Boston at the time, studying at UMass Boston, living in Quincy. My doctors were all at Brigham and Womens. I had a severe asthma attack and attempted to get across the city to the Brighams where my doctors were. I got in a cab and off I went. I was nearly half way when the cab driver looked in his rearview mirror, glanced up at me, and pulled over to call 911. I was taken to the nearest hospital, and I was intubated upon arrival. I do not know what happened. I had been intubated many times before and never had the reaction I did that day. I found myself floating up into this giant, vast, dark space. I as pitch black. Yet I wasn’t alone. I had left my human body behind in its primitive form. I did not need it. It would only hinder me further. I was but a ball of energy. A dazzling white luminescent ball of energy. As bright and as brilliant as a newborn star. All around me were other energies, souls. Like me they traveled on, racing at the speed of light, faster and faster. Each energy, soul was different, unique. They varied by size, shape, brightness, luminescence. Each very individual and unique. We were all traveling toward this very big orb or ball of energy. It was brilliant. A gazillion times brighter than any one of us. It was all of us put together and then some. As we get closer, we traveled faster and faster. No one “spoke” but we communicated. We shared ideas, thoughts, feelings. It reminds me of the images of the universe being born in planetarium videos.

All of a sudden rather than getting closer, I was getting further and further away from the large orb of energy. It was not my time. I was told over and over. It was not my time. My time here was not yet completed, my work not yet finished. As much as I struggled, I kept bing pushed back further and further. I had felt such peace there. It was true nirvana. I could not understand how I could get so close to something so amazing and wonderful and yet not get there. Oh how I grieved for having to return, but my job was not completed. Before this, I had been utterly terrified of dying. After, I knew that everything would be okay. My biggest worry had been my family and in time I knew they would be okay. That God would take care of it all and I had nothing to worry.

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